Bob and BobEXE 1.7.3 Intense Kitten release and Docker

After way too long I have finally made the Intense Kitten release for Bob and BobEXE.

The BobEXE downloads: Release Intense Kitten · OokTech/TW5-BobEXE · GitHub

The Bob repo: Release Intense Kitten · OokTech/TW5-Bob · GitHub

BobEXE now uses TiddlyWiki 5.2.3 and has some important stability updates

Another big update for people who do use docker, is that I now have docker files in the repos that build images for running Bob in docker.
In the BobEXE repo there is a file to create a container that can be used to build BobEXE and be modified by anyone so you can update to new tiddlywiki versions if I end up being gone for a long time.

Version 1.7.3 Intense Kitten

  • Fix an error that caused crashes when a folder didn’t exist when expected
    • This should handle the problem where the core would crash if the folder Themes didn’t exist
  • Fix some file server bugs that prevented it from working in some cases
    • tweak the way wiki specific files work
  • Fix a problem with http upgrades on some servers
    • Thanks @dunkla!
  • Add Dockerfile
    • also some other additions and updates to support using docker
  • Fix language handling so Bob can actually use different translations
  • Turn off the save throttling in Bob because the core now has improved handling for the task queue so we don’t have to work around it anymore.
    • This could still be sped up significantly if we update chooseNextTask in Syncer.js so that it can handle dispatching multiple tasks at once. At the moment it looks like the problem is handling retrying after an error.
  • Start the process of adding multi-save ability to the syncadaptor
  • Fix a bug that caused the server to crash when the filePathRoot didn’t exist

the image created using the docker file in the Bob repo packages the normal node version of tiddlywiki with Bob and is about 180mb, the BobEXE repo has a version that builds a version of BobEXE for alpine linux and is only about 70mb. Eventually I will get around to pushing them to docker hub.


Awesomely named release!

I’m guessing most people simply don’t know what Bob is, so here’s a description from the gh page.

What does it do?

  • Multi-User support for using/editing the same wiki(s) simultaneously
  • Multi-Wiki support - run it once and serve multiple wikis
  • Create and configure new wikis from inside the root wiki
  • Export single file wikis in a variety of ways
  • Two-way real-time syncing between the browser and file system
  • All configuration can be done from inside the wiki
  • Serve external files (like images) so you can include them in your wikis
  • Allows you to run shell scripts and commands from inside the wiki
  • Can be used as a plugin library to make plugins available to other wikis (requires the TWederBob plugin on the other wikis to connect)
  • Inter-server federation. Different Bob servers can communicate to share tiddlers and as chat servers/relays
  • HTTP API for interacting with the server

I should point out while twederbob works fine (and is included in the BobEXE versions), the inter-server federation parts (chat, etc.) are currently disabled. I haven’t had the time to ensure that there is proper security for them so I turned them off.
My plan is that all the federation tools will be my next big update.


I would like to test a public instance of Bob (or at least see a video) to see the corporation at work.