Best way to open single file html tiddlywiki file in ipad (otherthan using quine app)

what is the best way to open single file html tiddlywiki file in ipad, otherthan using quine app. Can any ipad user give advice

I like Quine, but I also use a few other methods:

Shortcuts Preview (read only)

You can make a shortcut with 2 actions:

  • File (pointing at your wiki)
  • Show web view at (with the file)

a-Shell or iSH server

With a-Shell or iSH, you can run a local server and host your wiki and visit it in a browser. Take care to make sure you understand whether this exposes it to the network.

a-Shell: ‎a-Shell on the App Store

iSH Shell: ‎iSH Shell on the App Store

In a-Shell, I use:

python3 -m http.server 9000

In iSH, I use:

php -S
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Thank you @Peter I will try those apps

What to do after typing this command

This is a typical Python oneliner to start a HTTP server in a directory. You run this in the directory where your single HTML file wikis are. After this you can access them in browser via http://localhost:9000/yoursinglehtmlfilewiki.html

It is important to explicitly use http rather than just localhost:9000/yoursinglehtmlfilewiki.html , since modern browsers often (if not always) default to HTTPS.

I am new to the recent ios software…so I was not able to get it work…will try after checking some youtube tutorials…if possible can some give a step by step guidance

You could put the wiki on tiddlyhost and access in the browser. You need access to tiddlyhost of course.

I have many local files (images and pdf), so the wiki can’t be uploaded to tiddlyhost. I want to keep it as local file

Microsoft Edge on iOS supports viewing html file via sharing in the Files app.

For a-Shell, it’s worth mentioning that installing wsgidav through pip on it makes it possible to start a WebDAV server to edit and save tiddlywiki.

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$ pip install wsgidav cheroot
$ wsgidav --host= --port=80 --root=/tmp --auth=anonymous
Running without configuration file.
10:54:16.597 - INFO    : WsgiDAV/4.0.0-a1 Python/3.9.1 macOS-12.0.1-x86_64-i386-64bit
10:54:16.598 - INFO    : Registered DAV providers by route:
10:54:16.598 - INFO    :   - '/:dir_browser': FilesystemProvider for path '/Users/martin/prj/git/wsgidav/wsgidav/dir_browser/htdocs' (Read-Only) (anonymous)
10:54:16.599 - INFO    :   - '/': FilesystemProvider for path '/tmp' (Read-Write) (anonymous)
10:54:16.599 - WARNING : Basic authentication is enabled: It is highly recommended to enable SSL.
10:54:16.599 - WARNING : Share '/' will allow anonymous write access.
10:54:16.813 - INFO    : Running WsgiDAV/4.0.0-a1 Cheroot/8.5.2 Python 3.9.1
10:54:16.813 - INFO    : Serving on ...

@XLBilly I tried pasting this code from GitHub - mar10/wsgidav: A generic and extendable WebDAV server based on WSGI in a-shell
But I got this message $: command not found

The “$” character is the prompt, it’s not part of the commands. Try without the “$”, it should work.


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That did the trick and i got upto this Serving on ...

Now when I opened that link in a browser, it was opening a blank page. How to open the folder with wiki using this ?

I would instinctively try to change port to 8000 or 8080 and retry. I don’t know about “modern” times, but back in the days binding to a port lower than 1024 required root. Second example in the README doesn’t use port 80 either.

How to open the folder with wiki using this ?

Try starting the server in the directory where your wiki files are. Or set that directory explicitly via --root instead of /tmp

I don’t know to correctly to do this part…I went to my files app and in the folder I wanted, i selected connect to server option and entered the

But it’s not connecting. Error message showed socket not found

Serving on means the server listens to clients on any ( interface.

To connect to the server from the same machine you must use this URL: or depending on the port displayed on the message.


On using it shows The operation can't be completed because this URL is not supported

Maybe you can try to append a / to the url, and/or use https instead of http. Just guessing, I don’t know this software nor do I own an iPad.


Some of the arguments should be adjusted. Create a folder named “tiddlywiki” in the “a-Shell” folder in the Files app and add tiddlywiki files in it. Then type this command:

wsgidav --host= --port=8080 --root=tiddlywiki --auth=anonymous

Then visit , you should see this page:

@XLBilly Still getting this error

This is weird. Try executing ls and cd tiddlywiki/ and see if there is any error.

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