Best Practices: Plugin Packaging with Sub-Plugin

If I have a plugin that depends on other code that comes from a plugin, what is the best practice for packaging it?

Should I roll the pre-requisite code into the bigger plugin (if I have it)?

Or should I somehow inform the user that there is a pre-requisite? If that is the way, what is the best way to do that?

Plugins have a dependents field that will be used, if plugins are installed using the plugin library functionality.

If you have a look at some of the codemirror plugins you can see that configuraiton: TiddlyWiki5/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror-autocomplete/ at master · TiddlyWiki/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub

The dependents field is an array, so you can specify several plugins.

hope that helps

Thank you very much!

Should there be any obvious difference? I set the dependents field on the plugin tiddler. I see nothing when I save, and nothing when I try to install the plugin to an empty wiki.