Best Practice: Displaying Message Inside Macro

Assume you have a macro with few input parameters, and you want to display a message (passed as parameter) inside macro. What is the best practice to do this?


\define myMacro(a, b, msg)
some wikitext script
You need to display the message here: $msg$
some more wikitext script

You have different options

  1. use text substitution $msg$
  2. wikifying uaing <<__msg__>>
  3. using text widget <$text text=<<__msg__>> />
  4. using transclude widget <$transclude tiddler=<<__msg__>> field=title />
  5. …

How do you display the message inside macro, passes as input parameter?

No. 1 … text substitution … should be avoided.
No. 2 … can be avoided for 99% of usecases … It’s very performance intensive if used in the wrong way.

No. 3 … OK if you do not need wikitext formatting.

  • It’s the best way to use inside a link widget, to avoid “double linking”
    eg: <$link to="HelloThere"> ThisLinks to HelloThere</$link>
    … If you hover ThisLinks with the mouse you’ll see what’s going on
  • best practice: <$link to="HelloThere"><$text text="ThisLinks to HelloThere"/></$link>

No 4 … Will be even better once “parameterized transclusions” are available

IMO the most flexible way to use text substitution in TW atm is like this.

<$let dynamicText={{{ "plain text" [<text-from-a-variable>] [{text-from-a-tiddler}] [{text-from-a-tiddler!!field}] "some more plain text" +[join[/]] }}} >