Being able to set the mime type used by the body editor

Folks, I have created a nice little tool to edit an additional text area field in the editor, it makes use of a modified copy of $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/editor

The editor for the note field works fine. Only I just noticed in a tiddler with the type the editor inherits the type of text/markdown both while editing and viewing.

  • This may make sence for people who use text/markdown full time, however I do not.
  • I have tried to find where in the edit and view templates determin the type from the field, so I may be able to override the mime type when needed, for example I would prefer my note text area edit/view to use the default or text/vnd.tiddlywiki

I have a wiki in which I store great answers I got from ChatGPT, the easy way is to use markdown tiddlers as this is the form used by chatGPT. however I prefer tiddlywiki’s wikitext markdown and would like this additional field to use it instead.

  • My method allows such tiddlers to be shared with other wikis and carry my notes with them.

Here is an example package to install in an empty.html With an example tiddler, markdown plugin and my note tool.

tiddler-notes-markdown-and-example.json (221.9 KB)

It seems to work out of the box in an empty wiki but not elsewhere.