"BAM App Personalizer" for the Auto Biaxial Symmetry Graphing program

I recently created a BASIC program with BASIC Anywhere Machine called " Auto Biaxial Symmetry Graphing."

I got to thinking: it would be cool to have a TiddlyWiki instance that allowed taking that stock BASIC program and layering it with a configuration screen to adjust various program settings.

And then, when you’ve got it juuuust right, export that BASIC program (and the interpreter) with the changes to the program as per your personalization to a small HTML file, i.e. a stand-alone app that is pretty tiny.

Give it a spin: Auto Biaxial Symmetry Graphing Personalizer

So, a BASIC program created in BASIC Anywhere Machine, exported to a JSON file for import into any TiddlyWiki with everything needed to Run that program. That’s what I with this BAM App Personalizers TiddlyWiki instance.

I just had to tweak the BASIC program to removed hard-coded settings, replacing them with transclusions of the settings adjusted via the TiddlyWiki widgets.

So now folk can create their own versions of the BASIC program without knowing a thing about BASIC.

I like this kind of stuff.


Yeah, I’m might be a little bit too easily entranced by the random drawing patterns…

Very interesting use @Charlie_Veniot of tiddlywiki not only as a platform but using it to generate stand alone content.

That is to out communities advantage because you are exploring interesting ideas.

Thanks for you contribution.

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Thank-you much.

Most of what I do, I don’t expect anybody to be interested in.

But on the odd once in a blue moon that something I do is helpful (or even just for-the-giggles interesting) to even just one soul out there: that’s pretty awesome.

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As an example of blinking to grab attention and let one know something needs to be done …

I’ve updated this “application” so that the “Apply” button blinks when adjusted settings and current settings do not match:

(Blinking is the primary attention grabber, with red border being secondary attention grabber.)