Automatically play the specified soft music for learning when tiddlywiki starts

Any reply would be greatly appreciated

This may create a sense of learning atmosphere

(Say important things three times! Its real identity is the *.m4a music file!)
(You can also rename the *.m4a file to *.mp3 and put it in tiddlywiki to play normally)
Annie’s Wonderland.json (2.4 MB)

Set this way,tiddlywiki does not automatically play background music when it starts

I know nothing about playing music automatically, and frankly I would never again visit a site that inflicted is music on me that way without letting me choose to run it.

But there’s a clear problem in that Default Tiddlers entry. Any title with spaces in the name must be wrapped in double square brackets:

[[Annie's Wonderland.mp3]]

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Thank you for the notes you gave me!

In my study, it would be a blessing if tiddlywiki could play the kind of soft music used for studying!

You can get it to. Look around for media players. See

There is no need to necessarily include it in tiddlywiki when there are so many other options such as TuneIn Radio, spotify, youtube, noise and many other sources that are trivial to start and stop as needed.

  • One clear advantage of a this is on mobile, the audio will turn off when talking.


I installed the Sleeping Dragon app on my Windows 11 and its quite good.

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This is one solution to this problem

Put this code in the body of any tiddlers

<audio src="file:///F:/Annie's%C2%A0Wonderland.mp3" autoplay></audio>

tiddlywiki automatically plays music only when tiddlers are displayed in the Story River

IMO you should use a dedicated app that is designed for doing exactly that and let do TW what it was designed for too.

just my opinion

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