Autolinking feature?

Dokuwiki has an “autolinking” feature:

What is auto-linking

DokuWiki already automatically links camel-cased words. It will find a page with the same name, and turn your text into a link. The Autolink plugins take that a step further, allowing you to add links to specific pieces of text. For example, you could make it so that the word “Things” will link to mywiki:things, no matter where it’s found on your wiki.


Anything similar on TW?

This sounds very similar to the Freelinks (official) plugin.

You can achieve effectively the same thing in tiddlywiki, where they are talking about Autolink plugins, we would be talking about wikitext and macros.

You could make a macro to emulate this behaviour.

Allowing you to add links to specific pieces of text the easiest way is to turn this piece into a tiddler,

  • using the excise tool in the editor makes it a seperate tiddler and its title is the reference to it.
  • In the my wiki tiddler you may excise something into the things tiddler, you could call it “things” or “mywiki:things” and reference it with [[mywiki:things]]
  • However there are so many ways to tackle this with TiddlyWiki out of the box

In TiddlyWiki we call it “wikilinks” … If you copy the following code to you’ll see the differences.

TiddlyWiki will create an "autolink"

[[Working with TiddlyWiki]] will create a link

That's the difference. 

Also see: