Auto complete with sorting by relevance

With the great Auto Complete, it is very efficient to find and insert a tiddler. Only one inconvenience is not to list tiddlers by relevant even the exact title is typed when there are many similar tiddlers.

For example, I want to find a tiddler Frost Stress, but list all others. I have used arrow key to find the one I need.


The rsort operator by @clsturgeon sounds very useful here.

Then I modified filter for All tiddlers in auto complete plugin through add rsort<query> at the end.


Now it is much easier to find a tiddler I need.


Step to reproduce


Thank you for sharing @Zheng_Bangyou.

The AutoComplete from @Maurycy is the best tool for different type of autocompletion and I use it in my daily work. (It is one the important plugin in my custom editions). I use ?... (… stands for different term) as I found [[ a little inconvenient when I have Codemirror autoclose bracket installed!!

I would appreciate if @clsturgeon explain the ‍‍rsort‍‍. I found it quite interesting!

Did you follow the link @Zheng_Bangyou provided? I don’t have much more to add.

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Thank you Craig!

Yes, and I did some test!