Authentication for a TW 5.2.7 file

I am using TW 5.2.7. I always use it in one file. I like to put one of my TWs on the web. Is there an authentication plugin or something I can use? I am very inexperienced. So just a link to some documentation might not help.

Thanks in advance
Hans Joachim

Welcome @Whitewater

Creating a private tiddlyhost tiddlywiki and uploading your existing wiki into it will only be accessible to you with login. If it is made public by you everyone can see it but only you can save it.

Perhaps you mean something else, if so please describe what you mean by Authentication,

You answered my question. Thank you Hans Joachim

Hi Hans,

If it’s a standalone file but not hosted on tiddlyhost then one option is to password protect the directory on your server?

I am sure that a single html file could contain javascript code that attempted to password protect itself in some fashion but anyone gaining access to the html file (and hence the javascript code inside) would most likely be able to get past locks by inspection of the code. I would not dare say that a single file cannot be securely encrypted without need of any external sources including keys held in registered licensed apps but I think in general it’s better to assume that single files are difficult to secure without external keys.

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TiddlyWiki has a built-in Encryption mechanism so you password-protect your file before putting it online.

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Welcome, @Whitewater!

If @TW_Tones answered your question well, it’s helpful to check the “solution” box at that post (or @jonnie45 or @Brian_Radspinner – if one of those ends up being more what you needed to know), so that others can easily see that you’re no longer seeking help for your question.



Thanks for the information about the use of this little box. I did not know and did not recognize it. Sorry for that. Hans Joachim