Attempting to find an interstitial journaling plugin/script


I remember seeing this example of a wiki where there was essentially a field in which you could write text, and press enter, and it would save that text with the time. Opening the journal tiddler would show your entries for today in chronological order.

Does anyone know/remember what that was? possibly called log-something? have been trying to remember.

Is it this one?

I found it by searching “log” in giffmex’s toolmap

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My favorite is DailyNotes , it’s exacly what you described, drag&drop this json to a tiddlywiki, hit the new button next to the save changes button or press alt+q.

(the source code zip contains the json)

it was part of “Drift” and had an online demo version but I can’t find that anymore.

Thanks, everyone. I don’t think any of these were the one I found earlier (maybe I’m just remembering the Drift demo?) but the last one comes closest.