Are there conventions for documenting TiddlyWiki code?

I’ll take the function from as example:

\function myfun(param:"2")

If I want to document it, are there any conventions for docs? Are there any tools, like a linter, an automated documentation generator?

I suppose I can use HTML comments, to get something like this:

\function myfun(param:"2")
Multiply a numeric value by 1.5


param - value to multiply

This is a la Python docstrings, with doc inside the function body.

I think JavaScript (albeit wikitext is not JavaScript) puts this before the function body, so it’s rather like

Multiply a numeric value by 1.5


param - value to multiply
\function myfun(param:"2")

This is at least friendlier for oneliner code snippets. But is this the recommended way? Are there any standards at all?

And of course I have to be picky about a wording detail in the docs, due to my limited English knowledge. Quote from :

They (pragmas) can only appear at the start of the text of a tiddler, but blank lines and comments are allowed between them.

If I translate this literally, the “between” part especially, does it mean that the very first function/macro in a tiddler can’t have a HTML comment like above before its definition?

There is a documentation style guide:

There is a small performance penalty if the html comment is inside functions or procedures.

In this case the tiddler is intended to explain, what functions are. It is not intended to describe the myfun(param:"2") function.

So there can be a description about the different elements of the function definition and how they are used.

If the structure is explained there can be a link to eg: Functions (Examples), which contains examples, how to call examples.

So the following can be in Functions


More detailed info can be in “Functions (Examples)”

Hope that makes sense

It is perfectly fine to use comments as follows. But that’s not how we do documentation in the TW docs. We use html-comments in the core UI wikitext. – But it is only used if really important for maintenance.

<!-- asdf -->
\define test() asdf


For code that should be used by users for further testing we use: and wikitext macros

IMO detailed documentation for wikitext macros is missing atm.

I personally import my Trails-Plugin into to see, where in the TOC tree I am.

For me this helps a lot to define new documentation tiddlers.