Archive All Your Tweets in TiddlyWiki

This is an exciting news


The Twitter archive I recently downloaded is well over 2 Gbyte – will this be too large?


I just gave it a try and was confronted with:

Error importing archived tweets: TypeError: window.showDirectoryPicker is not a function

Limitation of Firefox? It seems to work great on Chromium!

And wow – it imported all the images inline? That’s really cool! (makes for a pretty dang large HTML file though!)

I’m not sure if there’s a way to scroll through the timeline? It shows a bunch of tweets on the plugin page but I’m not sure what other interface there might be for browsing them?

No biggie really – it’d be easy enough to build such a thing, and importing all the stuff is the important part and that seems to work great. Thanks so much!

Yes, Firefox doesn’t support the File System Access API File System Access API - Web APIs | MDN

Depending on settings, this may error in Brave as well.

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I’ve got my archive, it’s 628MB once uncompressed.

I get an error opening in my browser – I suspect it ran out of memory (runs for a while and then shows a

Trying to run it on node. I updated my install npm update -g tiddlywiki – but I think I need to grab a pre-release? Anyone know the syntax for this?

Ran the command:

tiddlywiki editions/twitter-archivist/ --loadtwitterarchive '/path/to/archive' --build index

And it says Error: Unknown command: loadtwitterarchive.

So, I think I need the pre-release version of tiddlywiki.

Followed the commands there (git and command line skills needed).

Ran the command again. Note, depending on where you run it, it actually needs to look like this:

tiddlywiki /path/to/TiddlyWiki5/editions/twitter-archivist/ --loadtwitterarchive '/path/to/archive' --build index

That is, the TiddlyWiki5 git checkout you did to get the prerelease, also contains the twitter-archivist edition.

I found the index.html of 471M in the editions/twitter-archivist/output folder. Anyone know the right command line switches to put that build somewhere else?

First feature request I have is:

Option: don’t include images

Use canonical URI and relative file paths assuming that this index is placed in the root folder of the archive, so data/tweets_media/(IMAGE)

@jeremyruston do you want me to create a github issue for this? And: can I set up a separate “project” on OpenCollective for this edition to collect donations?


Anyone know if the File System Access API is on Firefox’s roadmap? I do know that the API originated within Google.

It’s unlikely to be. I’m very sad about it, but at this point Firefox has moved to my “if it works, great, otherwise tell people to use Chrome/Brave/Safari” for most things.

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I think this is a good candidate for community funded development, and should have appeal outside the existing TiddlyWiki user base as well.

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That’s on my list – there is a very unobtrusive todo list in the edition:

Great idea, yes please do. I will link to it appropriately.


Awesome. I’ve done a quick first draft here Twitter Archivist - Open Collective

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