Architectural historical archive built with TW

Hi! I would like to share with you a digital archive built with TW. It stores digital copies of the documents, related metadata and represent them through different templates.

Actual archive (node.js)
One-file version

Unfortunately, the content is only available in Italian, sorry for that. Would appreciate any feedback, thank you!

The plugins used:
refnotes with BibTeX
from shiraz: flexgrid layout, image-basic

This forum helped me immensely with the development, thanks a lot to all of you!

Some background: This work is part of my master thesis in Digital Humanities. The archive’s data is a graph, created with a standard data model/ontology for archivists, that I extended to be able to describe documents related to the architecture.

I wanted to create an engaging representation of the graph, that historians and just curious folks could use easily (no SPARQL endpoints, no floating around visualizations of the network). The main goal was to keep mandatory for the archivists tree-like structure (how documents are organized in folders) and create other, more interesting views.
In fact, TiddlyWiki permitted me to provide a typical finding aid for the archive, but also make documents searchable from perspective of architectural project, place, person and include them in free narrative texts (fantastic transclusion).

My first idea was to try making TW work with JSON-LD, but this very soon proved to be beyond my capacity as a new user, so for now I just mapped the graph’s edges to custom fields and wrote templates and filters.


Mamma mia! Meraviglioso.
Molto adatto allo scopo. Per esempio…

[FYI, sono inglese, vivo a Gorizia. Lo so, Trieste è una bellissima città.]
È bello vedere un TiddlyWiki italiano! :slight_smile:

Per quanto riguarda i limiti attuali che hai raggiunto.
Penso che tu abbia fatto molto bene finora.
Sono sicuro che una soluzione arriverĂ !

Scusa per il mio povero italiano.
Buongiorno, T.T.

Grazie @TiddlyTitch, è vero, Trieste è una città meravigliosa. Io sono a Firenze!
Thank you for feedback, this page took me quite a bit of time and effort to build and it uses checkactions explained in CheckboxWidget documentation. It still has some limitations. For example, the type of document should be selected first, before applying filters (it is not possible to see everything from 60ties, just by selecting anni 60).

It’s particularly tricky if different tiddlers are traversed to get information, for instance there was search by city/district, but as the city is not cited directly in the document tiddler, but through Document-ProjectPhase-Project-ProjectPlace chain, I couldn’t find a way to make the nested lists work always. A lot of things to work on!

Off Topic.

Arrivo dall’altra estremità dell’autostrada… Torino.

Bell’esempio di utilizzo di Tiddlywiki.
Nice example of use!

Thank you for sharing!

@Marco10x15 @Mohammad thank you!

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