Anyone use the Encrypt Tiddler Plugin?

Has anyone used the Encrypt Tiddler Plugin? I was wondering how ‘secure’ it is and if people had any recommendations for other ways to hide or encrypt tiddlers. I currently push my wiki to GitHub.

I use it in a public wiki, in which a small number of tiddlers shouldn’t be public (otherwise it would make more sense to encrypt the entire wiki or not make it public in the first place).

I haven’t found any alternative for this use case.

The security of the encryption algorithm should be very good. I believe it uses the same default settings as the wiki encryption mechanism. There were many discussions of its security (one here), with the general conclusion that it is good if you’re not up against well funded governmental organizations.

The weakest point to the security in a setting like mine (and I presume yours too) is accidental saving/publishing of the wiki without the appropriate tiddlers encrypted.
Because of this, I wouldn’t use it for any very sensitive data.

Perhaps of interest to you: I made some custom UI elements to get an easy workflow with the mentioned plugin. It warns visually and partially prevents saving if any encryption-needing tiddlers are not encrypted; it gives an easy way to de/encrypt all those tiddlers at once. You can see a demo here: Handle encrypted tiddlers


Thanks for the suggestions! By the way, what is the link to your public wiki?

This is a tiddler I made on this topic, in my case I did not encrypt my private tiddlers, because once you forget to use this plugin to encrypt the tiddlers key, 99.99% probability you will lose them. In addition to some tiddlywiki functional tiddlers to optimize the user experience of tiddlywiki, which is discussed by the forum, I can safely encrypt these because I can retrieve them from the forum, but this may not be difficult for people who want to obtain tiddlers. They can retrieve the title of tiddlers from the Internet to locate the tiddlywiki forum, the encryption may not mean much, if I really want to encrypt my precious tiddlers, I have hundreds of tiddlers now, I will set different passwords, unfortunately it is very likely that I will not remember them, There is a high probability that I will have to decrypt the password book on my computer or cloud disk simultaneously, but this is not very secure, and user data leaks from various operators seem to want to think better, which forced me to take courses related to Computer Science and Technology, Data Structures may help me a little

$__plugins_danielo515_encryptTiddler.json (15.2 KB)

I don’t think it’s quite ready to be explicitly shared with the world yet.

However my custom mechanism for handling the encryption there is identical to the one showed in my linked demo, there’s nothing more useful in this topic that I have.