Anybody use emojis in field names?

I’m wondering if anybody else has tried this kind of thing and whether or not any problems were experienced.


I never tried emojis in field names - I find them too difficult to input - but had problems with forward slashes /.
For my field namespaces I use an @ prefix and a . as separator.
Example: @self.description.

Not exactly an answer to your question, but I hope it will help anyway.


I have tried this, because while using dynamic tables (Shiraz), I wanted very narrow headers for certain field-columns which would predictably have short (single-digit) contents. The fastest way to do that is just to use super-compact field names. (There are other ways, involving column header templates, but sometimes generating a template is overkill.)

Also, I’m a very visual thinker (as I sense you are as well), and the colors available with emoji field-names can often orient me to key fields much more quickly than a string of text.

Granted, I haven’t done lots of complex further work with those emoji-named fields. So I can’t recommend this strategy for high-stakes projects.

And on the down-side, of course, emojis are a nuisance to generate (compared to standard keyboard characters), so they aren’t great for situations where you’d need to generate them “on the fly” for search filters, etc.

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Keep in mind that Windows does not support country flag emojis.
Workarounds I know of:

  • Firefox can be configured to use it’s built-in Twemoji font for these emojis,
  • There are some extensions that fix it for Chrome-based browsers,
  • I’ve recently made myself a TW plugin: Flag Emojis. It packages a JavaScript module by TalkJS and a subset of Twemoji font by Mozilla. I will post more details about it and some other tiny plugins I made later today, if I find the time.


More details about my plugin here: Flag Emoji on Windows.

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