Any tips for improving performance of tag autocompletion?

I have a 6MB encrypted wiki which I use on a smartphone. So far it has ~500 tiddlers and 650+ tags (including + prefixed tags, and multiword tags, as in strings that contain whitespaces, just in case if this matters). Lately I’ve been hitting a bottleneck: when adding a tag to a tiddler in edit mode, the lag after each key press (when the autocompletion list of existing tags is built) is unbearable already. Until now I assumed it’s a hardware issue - the smartphone is quite low tier. But recently I’ve got a chance to test drive this wiki with another hardware setup, which made me wonder if my initial assumption could be wrong. On a laptop with a quite modern CPU, saving the wiki still isn’t instant. Maybe it’s like twice faster than on phone, but it’s still 1-2 seconds. Yet the tag autocompletion is always instant.

Since performance of this decreased gradually as I kept adding more tags to the wiki and since I’m planning to grow this wiki further, I’m open to try any suggestions that could help making the workflow of adding tags smoother. Any TiddlyWiki settings that I could try tuning? I’m even willing to go as far as experimenting with turning tag autocompletion off (if that’s possible somewhere in Config Panel), since sometimes I can copypaste a long tag or even type it with one finger still faster than having to go through long delays after each key press with autocompletion on.

PS: In a similar scenario - when I type a tiddler name in the search bar - I don’t notice any visible lag after each key press even with wikis bigger than mine - like the one.

PPS: I mostly use Tiddloid on Android, but for the record I tried Vivaldi too and I get tag completion lag in both, so it doesn’t seem to be the issue of a particular app.

Try setting this to 3 or higher:

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Wow, this feels much faster, thank you!

Is it correct to assume that setting this number to a very big value (bigger than a reasonable tag lenght) effectively turns tag autocompletion off?

Yes. that is correct.

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A post was split to a new topic: Listing tiddlers sorted by size - in table