Any examples of Jupyter-like interfaces?

I’ve seen mentioned several places the use of TiddlyWiki as something of a replacement for Jupyter notebooks. It seems an obvious idea: intersperse blocks of description with blocks of executable code and visualizations: it sounds like something TW would do well.

But I’m curious if there are actual examples of this. Does anyone have examples of TW being used to house a number of JS tiddlers intermingled with markup content tiddlers and graphical views in a shared data environment?

I don’t have an immediate need for this, but I’m curious to see if it’s been done, and I’ve been thinking a bit about how it could be accomplished.

So, are there any examples publicly available?

tryout tidgi, it has this feature

see its readme, there are GIFs

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Thanks. At the moment, the demo is failing:

I’ll try to check back later and see if it’s fixed. I’d love to know how it works.

Thanks for report, that page is not a demo actually.

Tidgi is desktop app, which dont have webpage demo. You can download the tidgi app.

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Ok, you might want to change the ShowCase and Demo > Demo section of the README. to reflect this.

I will consider that, but not on my work machine. Do you have a Debian or Ubuntu version? Is this something similar to TiddlyDesktop?

When you say that Tidgi has this Jupyter-like feature, is that tied to it being a desktop application? Or is it something that its wiki’s could have, even if they’re exported to stand-alone or Node wikis?

I’m not aware of anything like this, but it does remind me of TiddlyProcessing, see this blog post (2008).

Processing.js is no longer maintained, but I wonder, did anyone make something like that for TiddlyWiki5 and p5.js?

Wow, it’s been a long time since I saw Processing.js! And I’ve never really played with its successor. But yes, something like this might be part of the solution. I know there are d3 plugins available, and they could help too.

To me the biggest issue would be some way to define a JS environment to run a sequence of tiddlers in, where you could capture and save the state after each in order to rerun again starting from there. I don’t offhand have a solution to that. I was wondering if other had done so.

After that, intermingling markup and visualization nodes shouldn’t be too hard.

Yes it has.

It send script or shell command to electron’s nodejs process to execute them, so it only work in TidGi, though this can also be a nodejs plugin. I will consider this refactor if this feature is used by enough people. Currently seems I’m the only user, so this is enough for me.

Yes, described in readme.

That’s definitely an interesting workflow. It’s not what I was looking for, but I can see the potential there.

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