Announcing the release of TiddlyWiki v5.3.1

I am delighted to announce the release of TiddlyWiki v5.3.1 at:

This release comes relatively swiftly after v5.3.0, and is largely intended to fix a number of minor issues with that release:

There are also some other improvements and bug fixes:

You can upgrade your existing single file wikis here:

For Node.js users, the new version is available on npm at tiddlywiki - npm

As usual, please exercise caution when upgrading, and take care to keep backup copies of everything important.

My thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, from code contributions to feedback. We’re phenomenally lucky to have so many people willing to help, and it is much appreciated.

Any questions or comments are welcome here, or via GitHub.

Best wishes



For react.js related plugin users, wait unitl I add destroy() back! Upgrade to v5.3.1 may cause some bug for WYSIWYG editor plugin and whiteboard plugin.