I have put together some tiddlywiki hangouts with there annotations on tiddlyhost with a search bar.
It looks pretty cool. I particularly like the layout!
By the way, recently, I was revisiting the page of Hypercard in the world, and I was wondering if something similar would be possible in TW, with video asides with text and screenshots that act as an index of the video. In fact, the lateral text caption synchronizes itself with the video, getting highlighted as the corresponding audio part is being said in the video (you will need to visit the page to see that in action).
Pretty neat and useful indeed.
I wonder if would be possible to have text captions that advance when the video is playing, in a similar way that the referenced Hypercard in the world page does.
It already can do this. The presentation is a list of tiddlers (tagged with the presentation tag) like so
the summary could contain the dialog. The image is optional.
The sequence of tiddlers for the presentation were created here: https://mediaplayerava.tiddlyhost.com/, I used tiddlyclip to capture the images.