Animation on hovering over tiddlers like in the flex-cards in HelloThere tiddler

In HelloThere tiddler in , there are cards as shown in the screenshot above. On hovering with cursor, these cards animate nicely. How to achieve such an animation on hovering over a tiddler ?

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Most answers to questions in tiddlywiki can be found looking how tiddlywiki does what you observe. Here is what I did, now we need some CSS expertise.

If you edit HelloThere you can see the cards are displayed using a macro flex-card. Advanced search, system we can search for flex-card( note the open bracket, to find its definition. This is found only in one place $:/editions/ the macros included in the documentation (and is not a shadow tiddler)

  • flex-card is the last macro defined in this tiddler.

If you review the flex-card macro you see numerous CSS classes in use and no animation, using the reveal widget, so my conclusion would be that the on hover effect makes use of CSS.

  • If you search for one of these classes you find they are defined in $:/
  • If within this you search for card or hover, you find hover used only once. {
	color: #333333;
	background: #ffffdd;
	text-decoration: none;
	cursor: pointer;
	box-shadow: 0 1px 5px 0 #bcbdbd, 0 0 0 1px #d4d4d5;
	transform: translateY(-3px);

I am no expert but it looks as if this could be the on hover animation you mention.

Someone with CSS skills can now hep :nerd_face:

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Thank you @TW_Tones
I also understood that much when I checked. I was trying to create a grid of cards like storyriver using the flex-card macro, multicolumn storyriver features seen in Shiraz and muuri plug in. Here is a demo -
But I was unable to get the animation effect on the tiddlers.
I have another demo with tiddler buttons here - - try to edit tiddler only in this demo. You can use Alt+up/down to navigate and Alt+E to edit tiddlers.