Anchors in dynamic lists

I’m building an application to keep track my books. I’ve a tiddler for each book, containg the field “author” with the book title as name for the tiddler. Now I want to make an overview of my “biology” books, listing them by author, placing all of them in one tiddler. It starts with a list of all authors, followed by each author and his books. I want to link each author to his books further in de page by anchors. But in a dynamic list it doesn’t seem to work:

How to solve?
Thanks in advance!!!

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HTML (and widget) parameter values are not “wikified” before being processed/rendered.

Thus, the ‘href’ value in <a href="##{{!!title}}"> and the id value in <h2 id="#{{!!title}}"> are simply being treated as a literals. Try using “filtered transclusion” syntax to construct the desired href and id parameter values, like this:

<a href={{{ [[##]] [{!!title}] +[join[]] }}}>
<h2 id={{{ [[#]] [{!!title}] +[join[]] }}}>

Let me know how it goes.


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Yes, this works:

<a href={{{ [[##]] [{!!title}] +[join[]] }}}> {{!!title}}</a>
<h2 id={{{ [[#]] [{!!title}] +[join[]] }}}> {{!!title}} <a href="##Top" title="Up">[img[Up.png]]</a></h2> <hr>

Thanks a million !!!