An OS for Tiddly Wiki

Hey Folks, been using the power of the tiddly for many years, I teach coding and I actually build my courses wikis, it kick ass, very maintable and I love it.

Recently I was doing some research into os.js its a desktop environment built out of JavaScript,

I uploaded a empty tiddly wiki and it work within the HTML viewer, perfectly. For my purposes of online schooling etc this maybe a perfect solution, basically encompass file storage and tiddly operation in a desktop environment.

What you guys think?


So you want to use the website to open your single file tiddlywikis. Why not open the wikis directly with your browser ?

I tried it. It’s impressive. To think how far JavaScript has come from its humble origins.

That’s hard to say. It largely depends on how production ready os-js is.

In its present form, you would still need a traditional OS to get the full advantage of TW. Did you try saving TW in the os-js? It downloaded the updated TW to my desktop, instead of storing it inside os-js.

Hi Mathew , Would you mind to upload a video ( may be with part of one of your content) just to see how it goes with you ?

Well its a fair question, but I had a thought of using the OS as storage system for tiddly wiki and giving it a interface

ya thats what happen to me, I’d have to edit the OS code to make the call to application.

I have the same doubts that @telumire has. You already have a file storage and interface in the OS of computer, and you want to replicate it in a browser OS for any reason. But I think any issue you could be solved in your OS.

For example if you don’t want open a tiddlywiki file in the browser, you can use tiddlydesktop as application for open them.

I think there is value suspending disbelief here. TiddlyWiki’s power is in part from its existence inside the universal client - the browser, yet depends on a host or local file system. This OS for TiddlyWiki may make it even more universal, by reducing the dependence on the host or local file system.

@mathewjpotter am I correct in thinking I need to signup with a Credit card to see the demo?

Ya, exactly, so I’d imagine a portal to a desktop (os.js) for my students to get access to the material via mini text books(ie tiddlys, what I do now) but I use the forms for grading projects and quizzes, I just export the quiz have them fill it out and send it back.

With an OS in the browser With basic user control(os.js has this) I can make a pretty solid low maintenance platform that allows students to export their notes, get access to content etc

A couple years ago I wrote tiddly for cyber assessments and use it as a template for scoring companies infrastructure and it works great for reporting, but it was always an issue trying to centralize these documents that a client could have access to, and hosting Linux and windows servers is to high maintenance for serving this stuff.

All I see is an opportunity to expand access to tiddly based programs through a universal browser based desktop

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You can deploy os.js through docker no cc needed

No. Tones, demo is available at this link without any restriction. I didn’t need to sign up at all.

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I implemented a business solution on top of SharePoint, and editor could check it out to save changes otherwise evryone else would use it read only to lookup and print to PDF details they wanted.

I am looking at the demo now, food for thought.

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I tried it and it worked fine, however, this OS also runs in your browser, save is downloaded locally, so why not just use the browser?

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I think the main point here is that we can see a route to playing wolfenstien 3d in tiddly wiki. From there it’s a short step to playing doom!


Just so I understand, can you use os.js to interact with files on a server ?

Aha ok. I was thinking about online classes but I forgot the file sharing part.

ya, as it would run via node.js so you could us the file package to do so


I think this has a lot of potential but it requires clear examples and workflows on how to make use of this? and how it may differ from other approaches;

Examples may include;

  • Saving through the OS.js to safe browser local storage so no server or saver needs setup.
  • Building a suite of tiddlywiki solutions, and supporting tools within the OS.js
  • Being able to move the OS.js and its tiddlywiki’s to/from a server/browser/local system.
    • If run on a local system can it get other local access?
  • Relevance to different device and platforms and avoiding contention