An all-in-one-file and portable BASIC language programming IDE + .BAS programs

For those who prefer communications here rather than in the conversation I started in Google Groups.

Some tidbits from the GG thread:


Charlie I love it. Once you make an edition or package available I will play and happy to contribute content.

The idea of transcluding code snipits is great. Im working on a method to drag and drop wikitext/code snippets into or on tiddlers, the same could be done for basic code in the IDE.

I can also see a way to have a basic program for say analysing and displaying data, we could build a wiki-template to harvest content from our wiki, as a basic language snipit and include it in a basic program that “on run” presents the data the way we intended with our basic program, and from which we could capture the image of the result and drop back into out wiki.

I think what you are doing could be generalised into HTML and Javascript IDE’s as well especially if there are other language versions of wwwBasic, not to mention Wikitext itself.

Very inspirational, thank you

Love you see where you’re going with this @Charlie_Veniot, BASIC through VB6 got me into programming :slight_smile:

A BASIC program with a transclude of some tiddler that produces DATA statements via whatever List Widget magic. From the QB64 wiki “DATA” documentation:

The DATA statement creates a line of fixed program information separated by commas. The DATA can be later READ by the program at runtime.

Assuming that wwwBASIC properly handles DATA statements. Looks like it does, but proof will be in the pudding.

wwwBASIC seems like a pretty good interpreter. I’m imagining TiddlyWiki an the IDE wwwBASIC needs, including the provision of “project” functionality. (I.E. grouping a bunch of “.BAS” tiddlers as components of whatever “main.bas” for a project.

Program code, IDE, and data, all in one file. Cool.

Imagine in a nodejs / server setting.

BASIC code in tiddlers on nodejs, which could be used by a server for all sorts of things. CGI scripts, in basic, stored in tiddler files, and executed by the server with YABASIC.

All sorts of ideas …

Loads of folk scoff at the thought of using BASIC to teach programming, but I still think it is perfect for learning the fundamentals of programming. Teaching BASIC and TiddlyWiki in high and/or junior-high: hmmmm…

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For the last several years, I’ve been searching for a way of programming in BASIC to create applications that can run on any browser on any device.

  • Spider Basic is quite fantastic, but I was getting frustrated not having a decent Form Designer, did not like that it requires a static server to run the resulting compiled-to-javascript code, and not crazy how it behaved on my Chromebook

  • PureBasic for cross-desktop-os seems like the cat’s meow. I’d keep that one in mind for creating off-the-shelf software.

  • Gambas is absolutely fantastic. Terrific for building business-quality apps, but only for Linux. If I were to develop corporate Linux apps for a living, pretty sure I’d go with this one.

  • YABASIC: If I had to do some CGI-scripting on a Linux web server, I’m pretty sure I’d be using this. Well, unless I were to find a reason not to. I’m planing on playing with this. I think it will be a permanent tool in my toolbox.

  • FreeBASIC: If ever I can find the time, I really want to get to know it.

  • Microsoft Small Basic: how can I not mention that? So frigging cute.

  • QB64 is a current interest. It takes BASIC code, transpiles to C++, and then compiles single-file EXE’s. The EXE’s aren’t cross-platform, but the one BASIC code can be re-compiled on each OS with OS-specific version of QB64. My big interest with QB64: grabbing the C++ code and compiling to WASM with Emscripten for web applications. That would take too many lifetimes for me to figure out. Regardless, QB64 is the one that really tugs at my heart strings, the project and the community seem pretty frigging awesome. QB64 will be stealing my brain cycles forever, I think. A permanent toy in my toolbox.

  • wwwBASIC + TiddlyWiki, I think, is going to be the winner in my books. Even when I need the other BASIC solutions, wwwBASIC + TiddlyWiki might be what helps me as project management / documentation / prototyping tool for other BASIC projects.

Maybe something like that. Who knows?


Great list @Charlie_Veniot! Every couple of years I try to scratch the VB itch. Many of those I hadn’t been exposed to and I’ll spend some time going through them. Not entirely BASIC, but I also use a fair amount of AutoIT which has a very similar syntax and it’s fun to play with for small, simple things.

One thing that’s kind of funny is that my day job (Business Analytics) uses a fair amount of VBA still (Excel / Access / Outlook etc.) and so that’s my foundation which has made developing around TiddlyWiki both difficult and hard to justify learning, but now the Office suite online (starting with Excel) uses Javascript (Typescript) so I may be able to justify going through a full Javascript course.