AI-Integration in Tiddlywiki - fully created by AI

AI integration in tiddlywiki - created by AI.

Main Features:

  • Question-answer functionality direct in your wiki
  • Save answers as tiddlers
  • Intelligent automatic title generation from the answer text
  • Sidebar integration for easy access

Technical details:

  • Code created by AI
  • AI Model and keys easy configurable
  • API-Key for testing operational until 01.08.2024


Have fun


6 posts were split to a new topic: Integrating AI Communication Into TW is Great - AI Created Wikitext not so Much

Jeremy is also working on a new AI plug in as you can see from the pull request whose link is given below. Might be worth experimenting with it.

I did move the discussion about AI created code into it’s own thread, so it is possible to stay on topic about the “quite impressive” showcase here.

Thank you @stelzi. You may have gathered that there has been some spirited discussion recently about the use of AI, and publishing unreviewed outputs of AIs.

The major issue I noticed with the implementation is actually pretty catastrophic: your Perplexity API key is stored in plain text in the tiddler $:/plugins/LLM/config.

This means that anyone can steal the key and make Perplexity API calls using your credits. It is also against the terms of service for Perplexity AI.

I also looked at the wikitext and JavaScript source code. I am fairly surprised that the JS widget works at all, it is written in an unusual and verbose style. In fact, a JS widget is not needed for this kind of thing, HTTP requests can now be done quite easily in pure wikitext. Generally, the code is quirky and inefficient, rather than being terrible. I would hate to have to debug any of it.

Nonetheless, it is an interesting experiment. It would be helpful if the site itself was clearly marked as being AI generated so that users can make an informed decision about whether to use it.

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Personally, it doesn’t make much sense to simply integrate the AI ​​chat box into TiddlyWiki (I have also tried this behavior). I would rather complete a deeper integration of AI and TiddlyWiki (I am working on some related functions, but to be honest, I am a little tired of AI now, and I find that I don’t need AI so much in any situation)

Hello @jeremyruston,

thank you for your information. I have already noticed that the topic of AI is being hotly debated, especially publishing unreviewed outputs.
To take that into account, I chose the title accordingly.

That’s exactly what I wanted to show with it. - It’s an experiment. The generated code is horrible but it seems to work fairly well.

You are absolutely right! In the meantime the key is no longer active. I had only left the key active for a brief test of the functions.

I will try this out!
By the way, I am very impressed by your idea to create an “AI Tools” plugin.

@oeyoews, how do you envision a “deeper integration”?

First of all, I think it’s very useful to get information from outside and collect these things in Tiddlywiki. But not simply without verification and without questioning the meaning.
Rather, to see the answers as inspiration and source of information that one would not have come up with on their own. — Evaluate and only adopt what is meaningful.

It would me cool if Ai could automatically translate tiddlers, and generate Readme tiddlers for obscure plugins