This is a discussion about the use of fields in TiddlyWiki.
This is in part stimulated by the 5.2.0 Pre-release removing many of the field naming rules that have applied up until now. This feature introduces substantial freedom to users and designers alike, when first discussed many saw this as an opportunity to extend the use of fields by using tiddler titles as a fieldname.
However with great freedom comes responsibilities and there will be value in developing de facto standards so we can understand what our fellow community members are doing, and maximise the possibility of backwards compatibility.
The 5.1.23 and earlier field naming rules are;
Fields can only contain lowercase letters, digits and the characters underscore (_), hyphen (-) and period (.)
There is a fair argument to stick to the older rules so your macros, plugins and tiddlers will work if transfered to a 5.1.23 or earlier version of tiddlywiki. Some people may not want to upgrade just because your tiddlers were made on 5.2.0+, sometimes a particular plugin may not (yet) work in a newer version so people want to stay with the earlier version.
Now in 5.2.0+
the characters that can be used in field names are now unrestricted (just like tiddler titles)
There are compelling possibilities with this fieldname freedom and this thread will discuss them, however I think it is wise only to make use of this new freedom if it has that compelling reason, at least initialy.
Please initiate discussions in this thread to discuss ideas, methods and warnings making use of this new found freedom.