Adopt Lucide Icons for TW (Most Wanted 2025)

Yes. Yes-ish. Meaning that the discussion about it is VERY complex.

TBH, at the end of it I’m no wiser than before.

SO I’ll trust you and @pmario and @jeremyruston to do whatever THEY think is best.


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See: Create Custom Lucide Icon Sets - #5 by pmario

The Lucide icons sets are basically finished. – There is only one thing left: Handling of Line Thickness using height and weight parameters. That’s the main reason, why I did not publish it till now.


Right. And I doubt there could ever be an exactly “right” answer to that outside of use cases.

In the context of TW I would/will accept as right (enough) your volition.

Getting this done, over, finished, will be useful IMO.