Admin: Google Group posts CAN'T be "dismissed" under "Latest"

Following on from our prior discussion of how to Mark as Read/Dismiss posts.

Currently “Dismiss” does not work with GG posts!

This may be a side effect of mirroring a mailing list, I haven’t experimented.

What is your notification status set to for the GG category?

Can you show a screenshot / explain how you’re trying to Dismiss?

This is my setting …

I Dismiss under Latest yet still the GG posts persist as unread …

Best wishes, TT

What is the view of the second screenshot?

There is no “Dismiss” on the Latest tab on the home page for me (it’s an infinite scroll that just shows reverse chronological) — only on the Unread page.

Or perhaps a new post in the thread came in, which would cause it to show Unread again.

Sorry, can’t reproduce this myself!

@boris – Actually MY bad :woozy_face: . I didn’t explain it clearly enough. I’ll wait a few days until some GG post have built up and try explain it better with a more detailed example.

Best, TT