Adjusting ToDoNow >HowTo?

Hi all,
now many years my taskmanager is going onto my nerves, I try again the TW-plugin ToDoNow (
But I adjusted it for my needs and want to adjust it more.
For that I have several questions:

1. How to transclude additional information in subtasks?
(In the picture lila with number 1)

I have parent-tasks with due-dates and subtasks with priorities.
These subtasks are related to other tiddlers.
And in this related tiddler the subtasks is transcluded.
In the picture I made the parent-task “parent-task 1”. When I click the “…”, then the subtasks are shown (here “Task 1” & “Task 2”). And there I want to transclude inside of the details-widget the text of the related tiddler.
At the moment I solved this wish by writing the details-widget with the tiddler-transclusion inside the subtasks.
But that has the great disadvantage, that these details are also shown in the related tiddler. This is not needed, nonsense, space-taking & irritating. Means the text of the related tiddler then looks like:
Text bla and bla and blablabla
Text bla and bla and blablabla.

How can I avoid that? Or to say: How can I show that “details” in the subtask, but not in the related task?

'2. There is a search and a user-filter (green, number 2) in the “waiting”. This is fantastic, but I need to have it not only for the “waiting” tasks, but for all tasks. How can I adjust them both, so that the search and the filter work for all tasks?

'3. Saving space (blue, number 3)

  • The project-filter (“all-projects”) should be on the right side of the search (or alternatively, the search on the right side of the project-filter), so both next to eachother.
  • The user-filter should be on the right side of the project-filter, so both next to eachother.
  • All these -in my point of view- wasted space inside the blue rectangles I want to erase. But how??

Marked picture:

Wished optic:

Thanks in advane for your help :slight_smile:
TW 5.1.21, Firefox, Windows 10

@Noushka, To assist you we need knowledge and experience, or to teach ourself ToDoNow and the related plugins by @telmiger so I mention him here.

  • But first, Have you being using ToDoNow much or are you looking At using it now?
    • The reason I ask is because if you are starting out it would be better to start with the latest version of tiddlyWiki and perhaps newer plugins and solutions.
  • It may be worth taking a copy of your wiki and upgrade it, then if everything is still working make your changes on the latest version.

Some quick notes. If you can find a difference between when viewing it as a subtask but not as a related tasks.

  • Put the following in a task and see if it gives a different value, in different views.
  • Lets say one variable shows “Meine ToDos” and another the items tiddler name. You can write a conditional display section.

A Conditional display section example

<$list filter ="[<varname>match[Meine ToDos]]">
Do this only when in Meine ToDos
eg details
  • This could be changed to NOT with ! [<varname>!match[Meine ToDos]]
  • Try and do this so it applies to all tiddlers, not needing to be put in all tiddlers.

@Noushka, @telmiger may be able answer your second question easily but this can be fiddly to answer without looking at the code. If the two elements “Suche and Alle Projekte”, are already in the same tiddler you may be able to;

  • Add \whitespace trim at the top of the tiddler
  • Remove additional blank lines between the two
  • Remove a <br> between the two?

Let us see if my notes above can help you, @telmiger or others familiar with ToDoNow can help you, and failing that we can give you more help to solve your problem.

  • The most important thing to remember is it can be solved, quite easily with knowledge of your setup.

Hi & sorry for my late reply.
Unexpected other things came on my way…
And after Thomas reply for my calculation question “cannot help … datepicker in ToDoNow doesn’t work properly…” I looked around and found Pickaday ( with a ToDo-List, which also almost fits my needs.

I upgraded my TW. After that it got unbelievable slow. And then also I read Thomas answer. So I decided what I wrote above.
Also, there my problem with the details luckily does not exist anymore.

I think, the best is now to open another thread with my questions for Pickaday & that ToDo-List? Should I delete this thread?

Thanks and sorry, Tones!

After upgrade, also look at upgrading installed plugins, especialy relink if you use that.

Tones, thank you for that hint!