Adding default field to Projectify new todo tiddler

I adapting Projectify to enable me to track pomodoros. I’ve added two field values to TodoCaption shadow tiddler using:

<$view field="title"/>
&#40;&nbsp;<$view field="est-pomodoros"/>&nbsp;&#41;
&#171;&nbsp;<$view field="pomodoros"/>&nbsp;&#187;

This displays estimated pomodoros and actual pomodoros values in the Todo List of a project.

Next I would like to add new default fields to all new Todos. I have seen this described here:

I understand that I need to edit the equivalent of tm-new-tiddler message for new Todos:

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" $param="$:/config/NewTiddler/Template"
tags=<<get-tags>> foo="something" bar="" mumble=""/>

However, I cannot find the shadow tiddler for new Todos in Projectify. I’ve tried TodoCaption, but this doesn’t work. How can I find the shadow tiddler for Todos?

It’s not clear, what you want to change. You have to be more specific. So I can only ask.

You want to change the Add todo button or the whole form? The code is in the Inbox tiddler

Hi Pmario,
thanks for your reply. You pointed me in the right direction

Hello canol
I would be interested in your solution for pomodoro ToDo tiddler.
If you could show your code or upload a json tiddler I would be thankful.


I was about to do this myself

More specifically $:/plugins/nico/projectify/ui/forms/AddTodo

See this snipit

    $basetitle={{{ [<stateTiddler>get[todo-name]] }}}

I added object-type=“todo”

I will be doing a little more customisations soon.