Add creation date to file name

Hi, I have tiddlywiki node running, and I would like to have the tiddlers to be prefixed by the creation date.

I found that i can create a $:/config/FileSystemPaths tiddler and add a filter, right now i am replacing spaces to _ with [split[ ]join[_]].

I tried [split[ ]join[_]]addprefix[{!!created}] but no success.

Is it possible to have the files named like this?



‘[split[ ]join[_]addprefix{!!created}]’ but I cant see the start of the filter

this is the whole filter, I am following these instructions

Sorry, I got it working with
[has[created]get[created]] [get[title]lowercase[]split[ ]join[_]] +[join[_]] right after making this post :sweat_smile: (source

[split[ ]join[_]addprefix{!!created}] didn’t work

but one question remains, it is renaming some special files: 20230526083557707_$_, is there a way to just filter my files?

Got it working with

[has[created]get[created]!is[system]] [get[title]lowercase[]split[ ]join[_]] +[join[_]]

I think I spoke too soon, I still have some “system” tiddlers being created with the date prefix. no idea how to fix that

You need to check for !is[system] BEFORE you get the created field value; otherwise, you are checking to see if the created date value is a system tiddler! You can omit has[created] since get[created] will only return a value if the field exists and is not empty. Also, you can eliminate one join[_].

Try this:

[!is[system]get[created]] [get[title]lowercase[]split[ ]] +[join[_]]

Thanks, this seems to fix it!