Action listops toggle

You may want to look at modifying the live view config if you want to build relationships without tags.

Delete the edge filter `-[[tw-list:list]] from the config view on

Then drag this staff meeting tiddler onto to test and nodes will be generated for each name in the list field.
Staff Meeting.tid (326 Bytes)

Alternatively you could list them in the body also shown in the example. If you generate the tiddlers for those listed in the body under attendance they will also be generated.

Thank you Springer, works like a charm.

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Thank you very much John! I’m getting different results in my TW compared to I’ll investigate and post back. Thanks again!

John, everyone, hello again! Finally found the root cause of the problem, based on your input.
Indeed, I deleted the edge filter `-[[tw-list:list]] from the config view on and I inserted your Staff Meeting.tid. To my surprise, tiddlymap recognized and showed conections between the tiddler and names stored in a special field.

I wasnt seeing that in my attempts! Why? Because in your tiddler the names are stored in a field called “list”. In my wiki in a field called “people”.
The difference is that for the field “list” there was already in the edge type manager. I had to add it for the field “people”.
Again, thank you very much!

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