About the Developer Category and GitHub Discussions

Folks, especially developers

  • Has the Developer Category in Discourse taken over the function of the GitHub Discussions?
  • Regardless of the current state what Are the plans?

I understand Github issues will continue to be active but what about the GitHuib discussions?

I raise this because in fact I have posted in both and not had any reactions, including for some time on github

That is, there has being little or no GitHub discussion activity.

Github is that quaint café you always intend to frequent but don’t because it’s a mile out of the way. Discourse is the Micky-Dees you actually stop at because you were already going by it.

I think GitHub discussions are a good tool at GitHub to avoid discussions clogging the issue space.

At the TW repo we do have a lot of open issues (especially old ones), that in reality are discussions. I personally would have moved all of them, to discussions already.

The GitHub discussions area has a menu-item: “Reference in new issue”, which is very convenient.

Discussion at GitHub are / can be very technical, down to the “bit”. … So imo not so well suited for a wider audience.

Much like we have moderators here, helping Jeremy and other core devs by helping to triage, categorize, and most importantly close issues would be very helpful. This is a common shared task in open source communities where one doesn’t have to be a developer to help.

I don’t know if this is blocked by having this be a “Personal” repo or if there are folks that are already helping Jeremy with this. Does anyone know?

If it were me, I’d close down Github Discussions. I haven’t found them useful enough in any of the communities where I’ve tried them.

They’re meant to kick things out of Github Issues, but I think things that aren’t issues benefit from longer form discussion in a forum like this one :slight_smile:

At the TW repo we do have “non actionable issues” open, because they are still valuable and they shouldn’t be forgotten. …

If discussions at GitHub would be closed down, we would need to close those issues, instead of moving them. But closing an issue means: We are done with it, which isn’t true for discussions. They do still have value.

So imo it’s not that simple

You are right. … but …

That’s not possible with the current setup. It’s Jeremy only that can do those things.

Which was my question. So this is part of the “move TW5 to an organizational repo” project at some point.

Getting the Links TW project into a shared repo — perhaps the TiddlyWikiDotOrg one — might be a trial run.

Edit: actually, that’s not true. You CAN give access to collaborators on a personal / user account owned repository. Just that the permissions are very broad, see here: Permission levels for a user account repository - GitHub Docs

So: Jeremy could give some people access, but the permissions may be overly broad. I believe organizations have the “Triage” access that doesn’t include write access.