About Dropdown selection

Has anyone done a drop-down selection effect to implement inputable selection? When there are more than 10 options, I want to use this effect in a separate Tiddler for quick selection

see https://tiddlytools.com/#TiddlyTools%2FMacros%2Fedit-list%2FInfo

thank you very much. i have used you edit-list macro, Your reply perfectly solved my problem, I have used a lot of small tools,like tiddlytime,toptoolbar, which is very helpful for me to use tiddlywiki,haha,I believe that you must have a magical pocket similar to Doraemon’s that contains all sorts of powerful gadgets.

<<edit-list field:selected filter:[tag[spareparts]each:list-item[仪器名称]sort[title]] find:and   show:yes listheight:5 listwidth:fit>>
