A very simple Gantt Chart in tiddlywiki

I quickly implement a new widget to generate Gantt Chart for a list of tiddler (based on a filter) in Tiddlywiki. It is useful to show events across years. e.g.

<$gantt filter="[tag[Event]]" />

will render as

You can see a demo and source codes from here: https://tw-gantt.bangyou.me/


It looks great to me. Bravo!


This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

A small suggestion for demo

in https://tw-gantt.bangyou.me/#Plugin%20Status, change:

<<dbadge Release "{{$:/plugins/byzheng/tw-htmlwidgets!!version}}" warning>>


<$transclude $variable=dbadge subject=Release status={{$:/plugins/bangyou/tw-gantt!!version}} type=warning />

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I just gave it a whirl in my Kansas Railroad wiki. It works, but the dates from the way I’m using it aren’t quite right. I used the following code to generate the included charts:

<$gantt filter="[listed[Successor]]" start=“charterfiled” end=“successiondate” people=“ignore” />

The text below the chart is using the same information that I’m trying to use in the chart. It’s close, but the dates in the chart don’t quite line up right with the calendar above. Of course, it could be something in the way I’m using it.

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Thanks. I know there is about 30 px error at the right caused by padding of gantt contaner. But not sure how to fix it at this stage.