This subject is in effect “pure research” into tiddlywiki, for now I suppose I must be a little more practical, but I cant resist.
As in another recent post “virtual folders” are in fact a subset of what we could call virtual tiddlers, or titles of tiddlers that do not “yet”, or may never exist.
Of course the common name given to these are “missing tiddlers” and can be listed, manipulated and backlinked. There is also the case of a tag, you can have a tag, that does not have a tag tiddler (in fact by default), but exists only as an entry in a tag field, yet we can use this in complex filters and lists.
In other applications we may have something such as a keyword or category field containing a list of values. these too also resemble virtual tiddlers.
It is an interesting space to play in and interestingly “titles” could even be more “fundamental in nature” than tiddlers. In so far as, tiddlers are a manifestation or embodiment of titles. I wonder if @jeremyruston has speculated in this area?.
It is worth exploring this “opportunity space” and see if we can push this further,
- What can we do with virtual tiddlers, and with just another list field what new meaning can we create?
- for example in your example @Mohammad I expect you need the “folders” to exist and have a list field, perhaps there are ways to even virtualise those - certainly this can be done with titles using compound titles such as the system tiddler pattern delimited by “/”.
I recently developed a similar method I mentioned in relation to your favorites plugin, for processing protocol links such as urls; For example with the url to this thread I get;
And in particular this link to my key tiddlywiki
- notice how by providing a single link it finds the valid locations, ie all those in the path.
- I: drive
- !Master folder
- KeyWikis folder
- The tiddlywiki file
- The little icon is a guess, it appends /wikibackups which is where you find the backups using Timimi.
Once again we find in yet another small corner of tiddlywiki another fractal universe of possibilities.