Hi TiddlyWiki folk,
I’ve been silent on this list for a long time but now I dare to share an application that colleagues and I have now published - a glossary of technical terms and illustrations aimed at scientists and others with a need to understand taxonomic structures useful for identification of Annelida (segmented worms - earthworms, sandworms and the like): Annelida terms.
The content won’t interest anyone on this list but you may be interested in this attempt to use TiddlyWiki to distribute information. This is a very vanilla implementation of TiddlyWiki and uses little of the power of the software - a deliberate choice for three reasons: my own TiddlyWiki skills are limited; I needed to concentrate on the content rather than code; and I hope to minimise the learning curve in case other specialists in my field want to develop the content further.
I did attempt to implement Eric Schulman’s solution to ignore the dirty state on exiting, but my implementation failed. (If anyone notices my error and can offer a fix i’ll be glad to update a new version.)
There is no explanatory context on Annelida in the glossary - we have assumed the target audience won’t need it. That won’t apply of course to this list, but the wikipedia annelid page is a good start and our own taxonomic resources page provides some wider context to the kind of resources we are trying to provide and a little on other taxonomic software too.
I’ll be interested in any comments, especially those that might result in an improved user experience in future versions.
bye, Robin