A question about tables and columns

Hello to all you TW experts.

I have a question about tables. I created a table which consists of five columns for my work-related project flow. It is basically a kanban where I drag projects from one column to another as certain stages in the process are completed.

This is the table:

|tc-max-width tc-table-no-border|k
|^{{$:/JMW/dashboard/jobsBacklog}} |^{{$:/JMW/dashboard/jobsLayout}} |^{{$:/JMW/dashboard/jobsDesign}} |^{{$:/JMW/dashboard/jobsBuild}} |^{{$:/JMW/dashboard/jobsInstall}} | |

It pulls in other tiddlers that define what is in the columns and provides a dropzone for changing project tiddlers from one column to another. It looks something like this:

On my phone the columns are too wide and overflow the screen in portrait mode. Is there a way to change the table to instead show something like this for small screens? I am great at cut and paste, not so much at new development :grin:.


Basically I would like to see five columns on wider screens and three columns / two rows on narrow ones.

Tables have their own browser internal layout system, that is very unpredictable and hard to control.

So IMO the best way to go would be to use display: flex and use cards similar to TiddlyWiki on the Web


Thank you, that looks interesting.

After playing around with flexbox for a while and figuring out what it does I came up with a solution. It’s not quite the same but I set it up to change from horizontal to vertical display on small screens. Keeping horizontal with wrap resulted in a bowling-pin type display that I didn’t like.

On small screens I get this now, which I like:


Thanks for the pointer @pmario