A probable mistake in the official documentation's task management example

See the body of TaskManagementExample (Draggable) in the official docs.

It says

Note that the completed tasks are supposed to be listed in the reverse order of completion.

But the code is

<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">

Isn’t sort[created] a mistake here? When we mark a task tiddler as done, it will add done tag, which will change the modified field, not the created field?

It should be

<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[modified]]">

Am I missing something here or is it a mistake in the docs?

You’re right. You wanna post a PR? Or should I?

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Thanks. I am opening PR.

@twMat Actually I am trying to get familiar with TW code, which is why I thought I should open the PR.

For example, right now, when patching, I learned that the translation editions use draggable example without any translation.

  1. TiddlyWiki5/TaskManagementExampleDraggable.tid at master · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub
  2. TiddlyWiki5/TaskManagementExample.tid at master · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub

I hope these little observations on TW code structure will eventually help me contribute bigger patches.

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All PR’s are certainly welcome, though unfortunately not all are merged. Doc PR’s probably have a bigger chance of being merged quickly. (I’m speaking as someone who has made several doc PRs but no code PRs.)