A multi-column Layout / Storyview


One thought I had was for …

Clone a Column

:slight_smile: , TT

Hi @TiddlyTweeter,

It’s great seeing what you create with this layout! :slight_smile:

A clone-column functionality would indeed be great

Best wishes,

Simply because you made it possible! :blush:

One Query. You gave the great method for styling single columns via “.tc-river-X ”.

I’m now wondering IF there is an overall column wrapper class that could be used to style every column (but not the sidebars)?

Interested, TT

Issues Arising …

This is not any kind of criticism. Merely an observation.

There is slight problem opening Tiddlers from the Right Sidebar WHEN it obscures the column the tiddlers open in … like this … (with column three live)

Certainly when making a wiki it is best to be able to see what is going on. TBH, I think it inevitable that issue arises as MCL flows under the Right Sidebar.

Just FYI, I think, during the “making process”, I might shift the controls to $:/tags/TopToolbar to avoid that issue?

Just a comment, TT

Hi @TiddlyTweeter ,

you can address all columns with .tc-river-inner

best wishes,

@TiddlyTweeter ,

yes you’re right, that’s a Design problem

Thanks! Very helpful. TT

I don’t see (being an idiot) an easy way round it with the Right Sidebar (RS). Why? Because the RS visually will, by nature, obscure anything under it. (I did try make the RS variably transparent so you could see loading tiddlers below it. But it was a confusing mess and I abandoned the idea).

TBH, as I’m looking at MCL now, there is “maker mode” where visibility on loads matters where maybe the tools should not overlay columns? And an “end-user mode” where no such issues arise.

Just thoughts, TT

@BurningTreeC this is clearly a very popular innovation of yours, I am also very keen to make use of it and have my own supporting tweaks other may include, but it is a now a very long thread.

I hope once this stabilises we can start a new thread with the combined features and established permutation’s rather than only this “stream of history thread”.

Love your work. You hit a sweet spot, thanks for persisting with it.


When the sidebar is opened, you could use a CSS transform on .tc-river-inner, scaling it down horizontally while the sidebar is visible. Though, I imagine that not working so well with 42 columns :confused:

Much better, perhaps, would be CSS element() function but the downside there is “Firefox only” at present.

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you can now clone a column in the sidebar by dragging a column-button over another column-button


the element() thing is very nice but sadly it’s not cross-browser compatible

I’m new to this thread, is this a plugin that I can use in an existed wiki?

Can there be a view toolbar button to switch from normal mode to multi-column mode? I think there will be more mods in the future, like excalidraw kanban mode, like Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories, and we switch between mode to get different view of our wiki.

I also want to develop a “knowledge graph view” that replaces the whole storyriver with a single echarts widget.

The smart thing with this is to create a new layout. Basically starting with a clone of the existing page template with the SystemTag: $:/tags/Layout then we are all free to jump between different layouts.

The multi-column Layout / Storyview here can be switched in and out and this design approach makes all layouts available for the treatment of the same content.


That is very useful! It works well!

I played with it a bit. And is also useful if you got your column placement wrong (likely rare, I doubt it needs any function to move columns). FYI I was able to clone a column to a new place and then remove the original column. Effectively a “column move”.

Neat stuff!

Grazie tanto, TT

Right! One of the most useful things for power control of layout about MCL (MultiColumn Layout — a non-linear personal web notebook) is the ENSEMBLE — which saves both layout and Tiddlers.

That allows you to develop multiple column layouts easily that can be saved and loaded at will.


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TEST #8 - Simple Jukebox

This is just one column so far. Nothing you can’t do already in TW. But MCL makes a lot of things simpler visually.

Right. Over years TW has had variant stylist things. Kanban already, more than once. They are good IF you need just that.

TBH, I think what @BurningTreeC is doing on this is real neat in that he’s giving a column “framework” you can use many ways.

I think it a liberating approach.

Just a comment

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Hi @linonetwo , you can use this plugin in a current prerelease build of tiddlywiki, yes

that would be a great addition!

Best wishes,


Ciao @BurningTreeC

I noticed in the beta v37.0 you enabled configuration switching of the Right Sidebar to the left (and the Left Sidebar to the right, if it exists).

That is extremely useful! It makes authoring work using MCL easier in that you can move the sidebar to a place it does not obscure any work-in-progress.

Saluti a te, TT