A Chrome extension for TiddlyWiki and/or Zotero users

As a researcher, I mainly use Refnotes in TiddlyWiki and Zotero to manage my literature reading. It is not always easy to link different research/scholar platforms (e.g. publishers, Scopus and Google Scholar) with TiddlyWiki and Zotero when I search and read online.

I am developing a Chrome Extension pubconnector which mainly modify webpages in publisher website, scopus.com and scholar.google.com according information in TiddlyWiki and Zotero.

A banner at the top right corner with links to different platforms


Highlighted items existing in Tiddlywiki in scopus.com and scholar.google.com

With basic bibtex-doi information, this extension will only show a few basic icons (i.e. TiddlyWiki, Search in scholar.google.com, search in scopus.com, open zotero item and pdf file).

Other icons will depend on injection of scopus eid and scholar cid into fields scopus-eid and scholar-cid, respectively, into TiddlyWiki. I have some R scripts for this purpose (GitHub - byzheng/rpubconnector).

Hope someone find this extension is useful for them.


Just hope you are using GitHub - sinanbekar/browser-extension-react-typescript-starter: 🚀 React & TypeScript Starter for developing web extensions with hot reload! , so it will also generate firefox version like my GitHub - tiddly-gittly/Browser-Extension-Tiddlywiki-Collector: Clip web contents into TiddlyWiki (NodeJS Ver./TidGi APP) and use TiddlyWiki as a bookmark.

I don’t know why TW-Connector plugin is necessary, because you can use HTTP api to get tiddler from nodejs wiki.

Is this extension mainly provide link to tiddler on the wiki, like a private comment system on website?

I have no experience about react-typescript.

I do use web API to obtain tiddlers, but my main target is to open tiddlers from other web pages (i.e. injected icons of TiddlyWiki). After quickly looking source codes in your extension, I am not sure how you obtain variables $tw to open tiddler in the story river in the content js. So TW-Connector injects a hidden widget to handle requests from other pages.

My original target is to check any publications/webpages are already stored in the TiddlyWiki and Zotero through unique id (e.g. DOI, EID in Scopus, CID in Scholar) and then directly open it in my local TW. I don’t need to waste time to manually check them across TW and Zotero.

I only view tiddlers on TidGi desktop, not in the browser. And I only get tags list from the server.

Do you mean rendering icon tiddler and show it on the webpage? You can use https://tiddlywiki.com/#WebServer%20API%3A%20Get%20Rendered%20Tiddler

I see, thanks.

No. My aim is to insert an icon for item list in scholar and scopus if it is existed in TW, e.g.

Then I know this publication is already existed in TW and directly open it in TW through clicking the icon.

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