3 tiddlywiki hosting platforms(companies or communities)

Hi all!

This short article is intended to provide tiddlywiki top hosts in list form.

I don’t know if it’s a company, community, platform anyway…

My greetings,

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TiddlyTank and TiddlyHoster are from cdent, the creator of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace, which are TiddlyWiki-classic only.

They are kind of outdated, but a good source, if you want to know more about the TiddlyWeb background. … The concepts developed there are still valid and some of them are part of the tiddlywiki Node.js server as well

Here is mine.

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Hello Moosh,

Is this a direct copy of tiddlyhost, installed within the librewiki russian domain?

Although Tiddlyhost is open-source with a generous license, I’m concerned that this is a copy with too much left unmodified. (In particular, some of the “about” and “report an issue” links (etc.) at bottom still point to Simon Baird. I suspect @simon would be surprised to receive emails about an issue specific to librewiki.ru – such as the server going down.)


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Nice! I’m pleased to see you were able to get it working.

I suppose the domain is a clue, but it is probably a good idea to change the name to make it more clear that it’s not “the” tiddlyhost .com.

I created https://github.com/simonbaird/tiddlyhost/issues/237 to figure out a good way to do it.

Yes, this is just a direct copy without any changes. Maybe there will be improvements later.

Thank you, you are right, it should have been done at the very beginning. I will change soon.

Thank you for doing this and making it available to the public.

It seems to me that tiddlywiki are too undervalued in the market and among people in general. This could be used by tens of millions of ordinary users around the world, you just need to find an approach to them. In some ways, tiddlywiki is similar to excel.

If I find an approach to ordinary people, I will share it with you and other developers. It will be a shame if tiddliviks are popularized by some third-party person, and people who initially worked on this will get little.

Although judging by your discussions on the forum, you already understand all this.

Nice! I’m pleased to see you were able to get it working.

It wasn’t that easy from what I heard. :upside_down_face:

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@moosh it would likely be helpful if you could perhaps outline some of the difficulties you ran into when deploying.

FYI I do have plans to make it easy and well documented, see https://github.com/simonbaird/tiddlyhost/issues/23 .

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