TiddlyWiki App: trying to learn how to use electron to create a tiddlyWiki app

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If you are interested, you can try the following. This is a download links.


Bravo! Kudos.

I was able to get it to work in my local environment, although only running the dev script. (Something in build is blocked in my locked-down corporate environment.) It successfully loads an empty wiki and allows me to save my changes as I would on any Node server. I can see that they’re going to the wiki directory in the project’s root folder.

It’s interesting to see TW running in a non-browser environment. I know there are other tools that do this too, although I have used them little or not at all.

I’m curious to know what the advantages are. Perhaps its because I can only run in DEV mode, but I find for myself no advantage in running this over running TW under Node. I expect that if I can build—which I usually can at home—this will end up as a plain executable which I guess would be easier those without command-line Node skills. Are there other advantages as well?

Well done! I also developed something similar, but I didn’t have the time or energy to handle i18n or promote it.

i18n is indeed in my plan, just completed

Yes, I also have my own nodejs wiki, and I customized a lot of things. This app is more for beginners to quickly try to learn about tiddlywiki. Users do not need to learn any prior knowledge before using TiddlyWiki. Just install this exe and open it to play around. You don’t need to think about what to introduce. When you recommend TiddlyWiki to others,

When I was new, I did start with tiddlywiki desktop, but I did have some unpleasant experiences with it, such as dragging and dropping plugins, which often caused the app to crash, and I quickly gave up using it.

just a protocol test

If you are a linux user, there are also some supported packages.

Reminded me of this project I did years ago for single file wikis. Feel free to check it out.

I still recommend to use GitHub - tiddly-gittly/TidGi-Desktop: TidGi is an privacy-in-mind, automated, auto-git-backup, freely-deployed knowledge management Desktop note app, based on Tiddlywiki, with REST API for web-clipping and Anki connect. 「 太记 」是一个基于「 太微 TiddlyWiki 」的知识管理桌面应用,能保护隐私内容、高级自动化、自动Git云备份、部署为博客,且可通过RESTAPI与Anki等应用连接。(迭代开发中欢迎试用,开发进度见下方链接)(Under active development, see website below for details)

If only start a nodejs wiki and render its url on frontend, then when wiki switch, user may lost all new data. TidGi solve this by a sync-adaptor.
Also auto-backup matters, data is the most important thing.

And if you solve above problems, I recommend not providing empty edition, it will scare new users out.


Since the current tiddlywiki is in rapid iteration, so I added a button to automatically download updates.
you can quickly update your app without having to manually download the installation package


An interesting idea could perhaps be that instead of downloading a single file html, one could download an installer and have the wiki opened as a more native program (with no save button!). That would possibly lower the threshold for new users, especially if it also offered better integration with the file system

I think you could incorporate your TiddlyWiki Starter Kit into your software. In this way, new users can quickly experience the plugins you’ve created for TiddlyWiki and the version you maintain. This version is really wonderful, isn’t it?

@Anjar That interesting idea is https://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyDesktop:TiddlyDesktop%20[[Saving%20on%20TidGi%20Desktop]]

I have indeed thought about this idea, but it is not suitable to be used as a template in the app. It is highly customized, and I believe it is more intended for tiddlywiki command-line hackers.

Since TiddlyWiki cannot perform tree-shaking, the entire TiddlyWiki gets bundled into Electron. Therefore, I attempted to remove most of the files in the editions folder and published an npm package called tiddlywiki-lite, which can reduce the Electron bundle size by approximately 12MB.

pnpm add tiddlywiki@npm:@oeyoews/tiddlywiki-lite  # with alias

Added icons to all the menus, and it looks pretty good.

This is AWESOME, very impressed so far. I love that it’s node in app form - closest I’ve gotten to BOB.exe which I was a big fan of.

I am having some issues with an import of a single-file wiki I’m trying to figure out, let me know if there’s something obvious… (Windows 11)

I tested it with tiddlywiki.com single file import and it worked fine. Can you send me a copy of the imported single file wiki and your app version?

I appreciate the offer, but my content is work-related / confidential. From a problem solving process standpoint, I’ll try incrementally adding tiddlers via drag-and-drop import a bit at a time and see where I get problems. Or is there another approach?

As for version, I started with the one I found on github and then used the in-app upgrade process which worked fine so it’ll be that one (2.4.3).

Note that other wikis work fine, it must be something like a plugin that’s not working. I’ll circle back when I figure it out.

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