Your perfect tw5 device (and running external programs via tw)

Hm… Not directly related but you reminded me of things that I would love as creature comforts for my perfect device.

Stylus supported device using wacom’s EMR stylus support, like samsung devices have; The ability to use a TW in place of outlook (setting calendar events, contacts, timer/alarms) that can be sync’ed with other email clients, and to keep a local copy that sends a copy of updated changes to the cloud for backup, a more mobile friendly UI (which can be remedied with a plugin, so this isn’t really needed in mentioning.)

and I also would enjoy an infinite canvas / ZUI layout for TiddlyWiki, and think that’s a cool idea.

Not sure how well it would work on mobile, but it would be neat. Maybe as a view mode. Like how @linonetwo’s tw-calendar plugin works, where you could change view modes from canvas to calendar to storyriver etc.


I have had similar ideas @TiddlyTitch since back before Polly, the conversation I was involved in at the start.

I think for me at least, I would be happy, not saving to downloads, but to a custom folder outside download (this adds a level of security).

  • I also have a mechanism to “download as filepath/filename” using copy/paste.

Something very similar could be done with a browser extension designed to send your script and execute it like Timimi explored.

Perhaps we also need to consider access to the results of such a script, such as returning outputs to a file the current wiki has access to?

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I use the Shortcuts-app on macos to launch project files in their own apps. In a tiddler which details what I need to do with a given file at a given moment, I include a link which I can simply click on and the file opens in the app I have specified, ready to get to work. Before using Shortcuts, I could do this previously only with the ext syntax and TiddlyDesktop (and then only with the default app). Now it works under Node as well.

I would be interested to learn if a similar solution exists for Linux or Windows.

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Absolutely doable, but will take some custom setup.

On windows, you have to Register a Custom URI Handler with the Windows Registry (various ways):

On android, it’s similar but called other things (“Deep Linking”). You setup a “Protocol Handler” in your app and that catches links with specific keywords. This is how the Youtube App opens links, BUT you need to have the main Android settings turned on.
How to Open an Android App from the Browser - Branch
settings - Open links in corresponding app instead of browser - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange

Open your Android settings and search for “default”. This should open App Permissions; near the top, under the Default heading, tap on “Opening links.” Near the top of the page should be a toggle for “Open links in apps” - set this to on/yes, and restart both the browser and YouTube to reset with the new setting (you may need to reboot your device, I’m not sure). basically, the option in YouTube tells it to watch for those links so it can open them when it sees you click on one, but the Android system settings are what give it permission to actually open them. You can scroll down through the list of apps on that screen to the bottom and tap on YouTube to see exactly what links it will look for and open.

[Note: these steps are based on a tablet (Lenovo Tab 4 10 Plus) running Android 7, so they may be slightly different on a phone or a different tablet. You should be able to get to this setting via the Apps menu though in Settings, just it might be kinda buried and hard to find, which is why I use the search function.]

Linux: Is it possible to open an Ubuntu app from HTML? - Ask Ubuntu

This SHOULD all work from a single-file HTML Tiddlywiki, but requires a bit of OS setup on each device you want to do this on. So, what do we want to open/run?


Typically a .exe or shortcut or .reg files and .anyting files which launch the appropriate app.

An interactive are you sure may be needed/eanted the first time.

Which suggests registering them in memory

Thank you for the links. It could be as simple as TQCH shows in browser - How to enable local file links in Firefox (on Windows) - Super User with a user.js file that any TW user who wants to could copy and add to their own system to change browser behavior to allow linking to local files. I’m feeling precautious and hesitate to try this on my working setup since Firefox is my everyday browser and linking to local file system is a security risk. I will find a computer to try this on and report back.

in my case it’s individual files opening in Dorico, Reaper, or Bitwig for the most part, all music related, scoring, transcribing audio, and electronic music experimentation.