Workflow Customizations in TiddlyWiki

Due to the nature of tiddlywiki, over time wikis get customized and improved to make working with them more efficient. I was wondering, what workflow improvements have you made to your wikis that might be useful to other users?

The truth is there are so many answers to this I don’t know where to start. I would break them down into workflows that help designing and building tiddlywikis and dealing with day to day activities in an organiser or activities wiki, and a few that bridge both areas.

Here are a few at a very high level;

  • My reimagin Tags solution, previously shared, that enhances the tag pill dropdown and makes a lot of things available from the tag pill.
  • I have build a wide range of bookmarklets for the browser that install one or more tiddlers with a click to set favorate settings, install some config info or common use plugins. Eg Contents tab, preferred buttons and story layout etc…
  • I am building something similar to the tag pill drop down for what I call “filter pills” that allow any filter to be given to it, and presents a range of utility functions.
  • Organising tiddler titles into “baskets” as per @Mohammad’s solution but they are evolving into list handling tools.
  • Basing todo activities on top of projectify, which I am increasingly customising.
  • Using “link to tabs” to navigate around the core tabs and tiddlers to either hack or research.
  • I have a large package I install on each wiki that assists in registering wikis and their file location, applying standards, tools for finding, reviewing and updating wiokis and packages of tiddlers for different solutions.
  • As a windows 11 user I have a range of techniques to search, import, export and document numerous “install on demand features” in tiddler packages (JSONs of tiddlers) many of which are so easy to use that to be organised is easier than being disorganised.
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Hi @GameDungeon ,

as @TW_Tones wrote it is not so easy to answer specific.

I am using TiddlyWiki in different use cases and environments.

  1. Very professionell as a know how transfer tool in a multi national company (under evaluation right now)

Please understand that we are looking for a very lean wiki. 99.9% are users. They are looking for special information and only 0.1% of the users are editors.

  1. The familiy wiki
  • Here we are using also the landing page function
    But nothing else here. Some filters but nothing spezial
  1. Under investigation is the use case for a songbook
  • Hundreds of Tiddlers only having a title and a _canonical_uri


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Hm, I guess these are a few major ones for me.

  1. Making sure anything that I put together is modular / reusable and uses the core features in tiddylwiki before making my own (ie using tags like .tc-muted over making my own, or using <<colour>> in place of rgba() or #hex)

  2. Setting standards for how I organize my tiddlers, to give me a quick reference for how I should name other things when feeling a bit confused.

  3. Having a button to create buttons (I know that sounds silly but it makes it easier than manually creating all the correct tiddlers over and over and over…)

  4. I make my tiddlers first using <<unusedtitle>> and leave them untagged, so that when I am ready to sort through that days notes, I didn’t have to worry about titling it, and already hade a pseudo tag where they are all located. Something I borrowed from Zettelkastens.

  5. Keeping it saved via Tiddlyhost (used to use github but it wasn’t all too fast, and led to some lost data) and keeping backups with an export btn I threw together that includes a timestamp at the end (ie “notebook_20230627@13:20.htm” etc.)