Widdler: Another Tiddlywiki Saver based on WebDAV

I think that’s not necessary.

IMO you can add the uglify plugin → save your file, which will make it smaller and → then remove the uglify plugin and save again. …

That is correct, but you have to compress any new wiki!

If that’s the concern, It probably wouldn’t be too hard to fork the widdler repository, swap out an uglified tiddlywiki, and build your own executable. It looks like it just needs “go” installed.

This thread is really good! For ordinary users I hope one of you will provide an overview of how to use it when you are done and it is very clear.

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Once the wiki file is created (by browsing to a non-existent html file), it’s actually created on disk. you can install any plugins, do updates… etc just like normal.

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Thanks. Yes that is my understanding. That means you can copy any existing single-file wiki to the widdler folder and it can then be accessed immediately just by pointing the browser address to it…

This is a wonderful solution Aaron / @qbit,

All I just went to tiddlywiki.com and click save, now select the download to go into the widdler folder and the user name space folder. Presto you have a new wiki based on tiddlywiki.com. This download to create a wiki works as well as any other method for a new wiki. You could download or copy and paste your compressed wiki as desired.

I am keen to research the way this works but it is (or a variation) potentially a solution to TiddlyWiki’s file save and ease of acquisition. Problems that have being a long standing barrier to new users.

Interestingly once you have a wiki open in Widdler you can “r-click save as” (tested in chrome) using the browser “save as” and create a valid wiki, ensuring it lands in the Widdler folder ensures its available at local host. But I have found a case where a link opens the http://tiddlywiki.com wiki not the local host.

@qbit thanks for this contribution.

@qbit it would be great to enhance widdler in the following ways;

  • Allow widdler to open index.html of it exists (in the executables folder) if no filename is given, this would allow a default address, and we designers could replace that file with a custom one. Thus we could share a zip with a solution / wiki edition built in. Perhaps later an executable install.

  • The default “index.html” could include all the instructions for configuring and using Widdler and can be opened in the browser even before Widdler is running.

  • The ability to switch off new wiki creation would be useful, and/or provide the link to the source wiki for new wikis (as others discussed). Perhaps if a filename did not exist eg createwikis.txt thus on can choose to including it the package or not.

Wow, inspirational.



  1. I use Widdler with no authentication! but you can use with auth
  2. I have created a wikis folder in my favorite location
  3. My wikis folder has a Tiddlywiki called index.html
  4. I start widdler and open localhost:8080 in my browser of choice
  5. It automatically opens the index.html
  6. As the index.html is a Tiddlywiki, so I can do many customization!
    6.1. I have dashboard tiddler
    6.2. The dashboard has links to all other Tiddlywiki in wikis folder, …

Simply AWESOME work, @qbit, you just got starred:


Note: I’m with Louis CK on the use of “awesome” – it’s not to be bandied about like “fantastic” or “fab” or “cool” when all you did was eat a great sandwich at Joe’s Deli or meet up and chat with “Julie” at the water cooler. Rather it should be reserved for truly exceptional things – like aliens landing in Hyde Park, your wife presenting you with your new born first child, and now, @qbit putting out Widdler.

So yeah, truly awesome.


Thanks! :slight_smile: It’s nice that others find it useful!


Nice piece of software and seems to work flawlessly. I only encounter one little problem for my use case. If you work with the authentication, it adds the user to the wiki path. I understand why this can be helpful and nice, but it conflicts on existing syncing and some external wiki files in my case. Is there a way to overrule this or can such a feature be made available is future versions? I think that would be helpful for other users as well. But again… nice tool!

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I do really like Widdler and all its possibilities.

Have recently returned to see if I can get the file-uploads plugin, PUT saver working on it. File uploads is in an experiment state and thus my experiment;

Unfortunately no matter what I provide as the upload folder it is not currently working, I manually created an images folder. and used images, /images and others with no success.

PUT-uploader - 24th June 2022 at 11:35am

Error saving file 273781242_271722241707700_6343438064450379428_n.jpg: Error: 404: The upload directory does not exist

Is there something with widdler that means the saver can not access the uploads folder?

FYI: I am currently using;
widdler -http -auth=false -wikis widdler and simply navigating to