What is Jeremy’s business model?

Right. The maintenance of “yet another password” just to see something is a PITA.

For folk like me, who have imperfect memory, that involves adding credentials to a database that is credentialised.

All too complicated to just take a decko.


I am in total agreement.

To that end, I am considering a small, efficient “administrative services division” that a few of the companies I am associated with can share.

After all, my life -long assumption is that if I can pay someone $1 less than what I can sell my time for, in order to achieve an objective, I am ahead of the game in financial terms. Even better, I am also happier because all I have to do is hire someone to do things I do not enjoy doing.

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Does AROS evoke something to you? At tge beginning, it was Amiga Replacement Project. They started free and asked for donations. They were having some, to cover some of their expenses and have an incentive. For thesee donation were community payments for achieving goals. people were giving money for such and such goals. Monuy was adding. When a goal got up to a certain point, one developper would volunteer to make it, and with the directory of the project, they agree to a date and review process. On completion (total or steps), he would get all/some of the money.

I think we could do a such setup for TW. I have some wishes I would give money to get them done. I see that not as much as being paying the sotware, but paying to get it done or get it done sooner than later.

The money is not billed to donators until the goal has been attributed to someone IIRC but we can and should make our own regulation.


I think that is useful to see!

“Adobe Creative Cloud” took it to an almost absurd level.
It is a very complex system of subscription marketing (over licensing) .

But it functions for them, well

… and more.

Just a comment

Incomprehension :slight_smile:

What is it?


AROS is the “AROS Research Operating System”, formely Amiga Replacement OS. Look at https://aros.org

It’s an effort to rebuil Amiga OS as a free software. Man, I was an Amiga fan from 1988 to 1999/2000.

Quite a stunning amigaos over linux was accomplished by Bernd Schmitt with Amithlon, but IP and trademark killed that great piece of software. :frowning:

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Thanks for the clarification!

My take from it is that lots of great stuff died and more is likely dying as we chat.
The commercial side of the net is pretty horrible.

Just an over-opinionated take, TT

They are the quintessential example of proprietary madness, they exploit there position, and abuse the subscription model to extract dollars. As a result;

  • A lot of people
    • Hate them
    • Hack them and copy prior versions
    • make and use alternatives
    • Demand their work “pay the subscription”
    • Share a licence

Bad example if you ask me :nerd_face:


This ad puts my mind at ease. I still remember TW’s commitment to the next 25 years. I thought at the time that there must be a proper commercialization path to make TW go better, faster and more sustainable in the future.

I am also willing to donate like other people, but donations are just to show respect and not enough to support expenses. In fact, there are too many ways to realize cash. All we have to do is to choose carefully, and support you!

Personally, aside from donating, I prefer the following methods:

  • Community paid consultation: I am willing to pay some fees, and ask great characters to help me solve some practical problems, and these incomes are divided between developers and problem solvers. Community tokens can be issued when necessary.
  • Advertise on the official website.
  • Provide paid support or licensing to commercial users.

The level of expertise and skill that has been generated over several decades of TiddlyWiki development should be invaluable to many companies out there. I know that the skills senior senior developers can offer is unparalleled.

I realize that times can get difficult and that perhaps TiddlyWiki itself might wane in revenue opportunities but that doesn’t mean the work involved is any less valuable.

I personally would hope that if I had a project grow like TW did that I could sustain some work via donations and offset it with part time work in the same field/skill set. I know other “free” (as in “free speech”) project follow this model. Vim is a good example of a project that is community supported while the creator allows donations to an orphanage. While his day job covers the bills.

For this to work I can imagine that TiddlyWiki would need deputies to help work with community contributions and triage them for approval and merge.

Another model is a one time fee. I know a few tools I’ve paid a one time license for. My personal preference would be a donation. But what I would really like to see is a software industry where talented and skill developers don’t have to worry about finding work.