WANTED: New Editor for TiddlyWiki Newsletter

Would you be interested in helping to compile the TiddlyWiki Newsletter?

A couple of years ago we started a TiddlyWiki Newsletter on Substack. The announcement post has more details. The basic idea was to pick out the interesting and relevant new developments and discussions for TiddlyWiki users who don’t have the time to follow all the discussions here.

The Newsletter has done quite well: we have 1,300 subscribers, and have had some good feedback from readers. A volunteer from the community kindly edited the newsletter until a year ago at which point they reluctantly had to step aside for personal reasons. I’ve been meaning for some time to find a replacement.

We are looking for people who:

  • Are familiar with TiddlyWIki
  • Are good at writing, and understand how to write good headlines and summaries
  • Can spare the time to commit to a publication schedule. I don’t have a fixed view of whether the newsletter should be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly but I think it is important to try to stick to a regular schedule

The past newsletters can be seen at https://tiddlywiki.substack.com/.

I appreciate that this might be a significant commitment. I wonder whether it might be beneficial for two (or more) people to work together on it. The Substack editor is pretty good, and seems to support edits by different people at the same time.

If you have any questions please reply here, or feel free to reach out directly to me.