[tw5] We need more discourse about Discourse ... and not just the positives ...

It is far easier. Follow the link to https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/ that is where you are to sign up. When signing up, you will be asked some questions - answer them it is a kind of tutorial . Take you time looking around and get to know the new forum. You are absolutely not the only forum newbie.

Hi, JWH —

I think the confusion is that there are two types of Discourse boards:

  1. those hosted on Discourse.com, where someone pays to maintain an account and use their server’s shared resources
  2. those hosted privately on your own server/domain name, where the webmaster or dev team install and maintain the Discourse software
    This community’s Discourse instance is one of the second type. It’s installed and hosted on https://talk.tiddlywiki.org. That’s why it doesn’t show up in the search over at Discourse.com.

One of the things I love about the TiddlyWiki community (whether on Google Groups or Discourse or in the real world) is that there’s lots of room for learning in public. I spent 30 minutes yesterday typing up a request for help on a pretty basic TW function only to discover, through my own grasping for the best words to describe what I wanted to do, that I was trying to ask a question about filter operators. I was then able to search “filter operators” on TiddlyWiki.com and voilà — there was my answer (and a whole new world of possibilities for the project I’m working on).

Here’s something that is very concerning.

Look at this thread on Discourse. At least two of the posts marked as coming from me (_Mark_S_via_TiddlyWi) are actually from JWH .

That’s a pretty frustrating bug.

I think it is due to you writing just before the post from JWH. Something seems to happen in the transfer. Now we really need a bug emoji added to the selection over therel