[tw5] Re: IDEA Multi-line Fields ... Possible implementation

Hi all,
the idea seems very good to me, especially if coupled with a system aimed towards frictionless editing such as saqimtiaz’s streams plugin plus some good autocompletion plugin.
I cannot tell which architecture might be the best, but I’d be looking forward to this.

Are there working implementations yet?


This seems like it adds a lot of complexity to anyone parsing the JSON tiddler store. If anyone is manually looking through it, then they won’t have access to all of the fields unless they also parse the text for “\field” pragmas.

Out of question, what is the workflow for having multiline fields where having a subtiddler doesn’t work (e.g. “myTiddler/description” relates to “myTiddler” instead of having a description field)? They’ve always seemed so esoteric to me.

Hi dam,
This was only an idea, prior to TW 5.2.0 … There are different possibilities now

Have a closer look at: [Intro] Field Editor Plugin Which talks about 2 experimental plugins that I published recently. It’s a different approach … but … experimental. … It seems the plugins cause a bit of an issue with the view- and editTemplates of the latest TW version.

So you have to be careful testing them. …
